Sulphur burner - SSD
Capacity range
SAACKE GmbH has been supplying versatile and customer-specific solutions in the field of sulphur combustion for more than 50 years.
SAACKE offers solutions for sulphur combustion in sulphuric acid plants and sulphur dioxide (SO2) generation plants.
We offer various combustion technologies:
Due to its compact design and optimal atomization mechanisms, the rotary atomizer has advantages for use in sulphuric acid and SO2 generation plants.
Due to it’s highly turbulent flow, the SAACKE swirl burner ensures an intensive mixing of fuel and combustion air at the beginning of combustion. This burner system can also be combined with atomizer lances for liquid sulfur.
This burner system is ideally suited for hydrogen sulfide (H2S) combustion, e.g. in Claus-plants.
In addition, SAACKE also offers solutions for the thermal purification of back acids (split acid plants) and combustion chambers in which the contaminated acid is freed from the organic components by thermal oxidation. After heat extraction in a steam boiler, the SO2 gas is available for the next process steps.
SAACKE has comprehensive engineering competence and a worldwide sales and service network.