se@vis pro 3.0

The main points
- Control and monitoring of all thermal processes and your boiler plants
- 15 integrated controllers for all system functions
- Automatic burner control for 3 fuels
- Simultaneous firing of 2 out of 3 fuels, also possible with alternative fuels
- Electronic compound control with 8 channels in 8 operating modes
- Remote system monitoring possible on request
- Touch screen in various sizes for simple and intuitive operation
- Suitable for all system types
- Certified according to SIL 3
Plant management in new dimensions - your smart access to all processes
Today’s combustion plants must meet increased requirements. They should produce more efficiently and flexibly than ever before, achieve maximum efficiencies and be as low-maintenance as possible. se@vis pro from SAACKE helps you to achieve all these goals. The system greatly simplifies plant control for operators, saving valuable time and freeing up resources. Gone are the days when each plant component needed its own control system – an intelligent combustion manager is enough.
se@vis pro controls and monitors the entire boiler plant including the burner and peripherals. This overall view via HMI at the control cabinet or in the control room simplifies maintenance procedures enormously. Receive warnings automatically or in advance in the event of a malfunction and access your system remotely from anywhere in the world. If you wish, you can also grant us access to your own systems via secure remote access – we will then have your system firmly and securely in view for you.
With se@vis pro, each individual process value can be selected in the user-friendly interface for more detailed information. The numerous controllers are pre-configured by us according to customer requirements. This increases the overview and unifies the commissioning of the systems – for the benefit of cost reduction.
SAACKE se@vis pro also convinces with its enormous flexibility. The system is designed for the simultaneous firing of two out of three fuels. Another feature: Depending on the time of day and processes, the demand for thermal energy can vary. So switch over to individual operation with our intelligent burner control unit. This is because se@vis pro can be operated in four different modes per day for the whole week with different load levels and settings, precisely matched to the time. The entire control system is automatic – bringing you one step closer to the “smart factory”. Simple, fast and reliable.
The SAACKE combustion management system se@vis pro thus combines a number of advantages: It saves operating costs, facilitates maintenance and handling, minimizes downtimes and increases your operational reliability. This makes se@vis pro unrivalled worldwide.